This one didn't catch my attention earlier, but that's entirely due to a lack of detail in the reports I read prior to reading the wrap-up over at 1-8x scopes are amazing pieces of engineering, and they have the nosebleed prices (~$3,000) to match. What I hadn't read earlier, though, about the US Optics 1-8x is that the reticule is on the first focal plane (meaning it gets maintains the same relative size as the objects you're looking at as you zoom from 1x to 8x), but that the 4 MOA red dot is on the second focal plane (meaning it stays the same size regardless of zoom).
This is a perfect combination, and I haven't heard of anyone else doing this with their variable scopes. And, with a 1-8x range it's perfect for most .308-class cartridges.
Anyone have a winning lottery ticket they'd like to give me?